Friday, April 24, 2009

Ready for my weekend road trip to LA!!!!!

    Everything is packed and ready to go!! I'm only taking my backpack and a few things.  Willie is picking me up at the Hard Rock hotel at 4 pm.  He probably already thinks I'm a whore spending all my time at the casino!  Coretta, this pretty black girl they just hired, braided my hair and it looks so pretty.  I don't want it to get all messed up ridin' so she offered to do it for me.  She is really pretty, she has red curly hair now but it changes a lot she said.  Beatrice our kitchen manager just got her hair braided too, but it looks better on me ;)

   I'm very excited about this trip!  Jules asked me if I even know what Willies last name is?  Well, no I don't.  She's just bein' paranoid.  I'm strong and can protect myself so I know it'll be okay.  I'm only takin' $400 with me.  He's the man and should pay for everything!  I told daddy I was going to LA, he wants me to be careful, he said only crazy people are in LA.  That's not true he's just old fashioned.

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