Friday, January 30, 2009

Buying a bus ticket, and some gum. Good Bye New Orleans!

I finally woke up after sleeping for two days. I am so tired I can not think, my body is exhausted. The desire to get to Las Vegas and be someone new forces me to keep going. I love this feeling, love it like a new hair cut! New Orleans is fun but I can't be here too long, I could get into some serious trouble here! If I stay here too long I'll die from drinking and hard livin'.

Today I spoke to daddy. I cried tellin' him the truck got stolen. He was calm and told me not to worry he traded my old '94 Escort and a fishin' boat that doesn't float for that truck.  I told him I parked it on the street and when I came back it was gone.  Which is what I did, I think.  I told him I was takin' a bus the rest of the way.  He thinks it's best for me.  I'm tellin' Patrice I'm going to Walgreens to get tampons and just not comin' back.  It's better that way I'm not good at good byes.

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