Monday, September 24, 2012

Waxed my tootie to look good dancing in my red bikini!

Busy, busy, me! I danced all weekend. Made about $800, not enough to keep me going back. I'm so out of shape I was panting and sweating to death! I bought a new red bikini, and some body glitter/lotion stuff. I like how sparkly it is on my tan skin. I talked to daddy, he still thinks I'm working in a hotel kitchen. He might know better I don't know. I don't tell him about the money I'm making. He'd know I was doing something he doesn't like. I haven't had a call for a date in about, 2 or 3 days. My last date was with Adam, the wheelchair guy. He was so cool. Stripping is just not me anymore. It just wears me out! I had to get my tootie waxed, oh my good that shit hurt! This chick at the strip club did it for me. Holy shit I was so sore but it did look good. I am so damn hungry I had a taco earlier but I'm still starving. If I don't get a date tonight I'll go dance tomorrow. I need me some damn money! I spent all my money drinking over the weekend.

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